Test and Tag
We correctly Test and Tag all Electrical Appliances to meet AS/NZS 3760 safety requirements including 3 Phase Equipment.Test and Tag
Checkmate Safety has fully trained & licenced Test and Tag Technicians throughout South East Queensland servicing the following areas:
Brisbane, Gold Coast, Toowoomba, Warwick, Stanthorpe, Ipswich, Gatton and all areas in between.

Checkmate Safety provides:
- An expert electrical test and tag team trained to correctly testing and tagging all appliances to meet AS/NZS 3760
- Latest test & tag equipment used and tested on all appliances including IT and 3-Phase equipment.
- RCD Testing (Safety Switch Testing) to meet AS/NZS 3760. We charge per RCD Test to you save money!!
- After testing, faulty items reported immediately and repairs arranged if required
- Reports provided include an Asset List, Detailed Test Results and Failed Items List (with photos)
- Automatic re-test reminder phone calls to ensure you remain compliant
Our Electrical Services include:
- Electrical Test and Tag
- RCD Testing (Safety Switch Testing) and Installation
- Emergency and Exit Light Testing and Installation
- Microwave Leakage Testing
- Lightbulb Replacement Service

RCD Testing (Safety Switch Testing) on a scheduled plan will save you money and keep you compliant.
Testing and Tagging is more than just putting a sticker on a lead.
In addition to the test and tag, you must also keep records of inspections, test results and maintenance, and where applicable, risk assessment reports. This documentation must be produced within 24 hours of a request being made by a Workplace Health and Safety Inspector.
Here at Checkmate Safety, we keep all of these files on our backed up system and our staff are happy to provide additional copies electronically or by post upon request.