First Aid Kits and First Aid Kit Servicing
BE SAFE and KEEP COMPLIANT. Have an an up-to-date first aid kit at work and at home.First Aid Kits and First Aid Kit Servicing
Checkmate Safety supplies First Aid Kits and Service First Aid Kits throughout Southern Queensland.
Our technicians service Brisbane, Gold Coast, Toowoomba, Warwick, Stanthorpe, Ipswich, Gatton and all areas in between.

We make first aid fast and easy. Guaranteed.
Checkmate Safety are specialists in supplying innovative first aid, emergency solutions to a vast range of businesses Australia Wide.
Our business has achieved an excellent reputation by providing a very high level of reliable service, quality products and dedication to our customers' needs. Our team of willing experts have extensive product knowledge of the workplace WHS Regulations. Ask us how we can tailor an easy first aid solution for you and your workplace.
Checkmate Safety's vast range and quick stock delivery ensure a superior level of customer satisfaction.

We distribute first aid kits to suit the many diverse needs of individual businesses. All kits comply with the latest WHS legislation as enforced by relevant workplace laws Australia wide.
We ensure our customers get the best first aid kit to suit their workplace or home situation.
All Checkmate Safety first aid kits are assembled under strict quality assurance systems, which . Our entire range of first aid kits are registered on the ARTG (Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration, Reg. No. 128314) which ensures that only high quality registered products are included and constantly monitored.